The Adventures of Penny, Part VIII
It's been forever since I made a "Penny" posting, so here goes!
Plot suggestions are appreciated... the weirder the better! :)
Penny couldn’t believe her ears. Now, they wanted her to help them? Of all the messes she could have imagined herself getting into, this one was the worst. What sort of a favor could she possibly do for a zombie ninja that would have any semblance or hint of ethicalness?
“So what’s the favor?” Penny asked, trying to maintain her cool, aloof facade.
“Oh, so you’ll consider it!” the lanky zombie smiled, crossing his arms and obviously feeling quite proud of himself.
“I didn’t say I would consider it.” Penny said, with an edge in her voice. “All I said was that I wanted to know what it was.”
“What I want from you, dear Penny,” said the zombie, stretching out the suspense as long as he could, “is very simple.”
“And?” said Hazel unexpectedly, and immediately afterwards, she blushed and took a step backward, as if expecting the zombie to attack her for uttering a word.
“Simply help me assasinate an enemy of mine; that’s all.” Said the zombie, shrugging a little, as if to indicate that it was no big deal.
“Maybe...” said Penny, at which Hazel’s head turned in shock to look at Penny. Was she serious?
“Penny, no!!!” Hazel shrieked. “This is all my fault. You can’t!”
Of course, Penny had no intention of helping this obviously crazed (as well as zombie) ninja assassinate his enemy. She just wasn’t that type of girl. However, she was curious, and a little afraid. If the ninja wanted to assassinate his enemy, what was to prevent him from assassinating them if he learnt that they wouldn’t help him? And how were they going to get the antidote?
“Oh, but I can,” said Penny in the coldest voice she could muster, “I’m very capable of assassinations” She lied. “So, friend,” she said, turning to the zombie, “Who is it?”
“Oh, I think you know him” the zombie snickered. “His name is Addison Greenhorn, or Master Greenhorn to you. I believe he’s your teacher?”
This time, Penny and Hazel both had a look of shock on their faces.
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